Version: translation

   A translation of the holy Scriptures. This word is not found in the Bible, nevertheless, as frequent references are made in this work to various ancient as well as modern versions, it is fitting that some brief account should be given of the most important of these. These versions are important helps to the right interpretation of the Word. (See SAMARITAN [653]PENTATEUCH.)
   1. The Targums. After the return from the Captivity, the Jews, no longer familiar with the old Hebrew, required that their Scriptures should be translated for them into the Chaldaic or Aramaic language and interpreted. These translations and paraphrases were at first oral, but they were afterwards reduced to writing, and thus targums, i.e., "versions" or "translations", have come down to us. The chief of these are,
   1) The Onkelos Targum, i.e., the targum of Akelas=Aquila, a targum so called to give it greater popularity by comparing it with the Greek translation of Aquila mentioned below. This targum originated about the second century after Christ.
   2) The targum of Jonathan ben Uzziel comes next to that of Onkelos in respect of age and value. It is more a paraphrase on the Prophets, however, than a translation. Both of these targums issued from the Jewish school which then flourished at Babylon.
   2. The Greek Versions.
   1) The oldest of these is the Septuagint, usually quoted as the LXX. The origin of this the most important of all the versions is involved in much obscurity. It derives its name from the popular notion that seventy-two translators were employed on it by the direction of Ptolemy Philadelphus, king of Egypt, and that it was accomplished in seventy-two days, for the use of the Jews residing in that country.There is no historical warrant for this notion. It is, however, an established fact that this version was made at Alexandria; that it was begun about 280 B.C., and finished about 200 or 150 B.C.; that it was the work of a number of translators who differed greatly both in their knowledge of Hebrew and of Greek; and that from the earliest times it has borne the name of "The Septuagint", i.e., The Seventy.
   "This version, with all its defects, must be of the greatest interest, (a) as preserving evidence for the text far more ancient than the oldest Hebrew manuscripts; (b) as the means by which the Greek Language was wedded to Hebrew thought; (c) as the source of the great majority of quotations from the Old Testament by writers of the New Testament.
   2) The New Testament manuscripts fall into two divisions, Uncials, written in Greek capitals, with no distinction at all between the different words, and very little even between the different lines; and Cursives, in small Greek letters, and with divisions of words and lines. The change between the two kinds of Greek writing took place about the tenth century. Only five manuscripts of the New Testament approaching to completeness are more ancient than this dividing date. The first, numbered A, is the Alexandrian manuscript. Though brought to this country by Cyril Lucar, patriarch of Constantinople, as a present to Charles I., it is believed that it was written, not in that capital, but in Alexandria; whence its title. It is now dated in the fifth century A.D. The second, known as B, is the Vatican manuscript. (See Vaticanus, Codex.) The Third, C, or the Ephraem manuscript, was so called because it was written over the writings of Ephraem, a Syrian theological author, a practice very common in the days when writing materials were scarce and dear. It is believed that it belongs to the fifth century, and perhaps a slightly earlier period of it than the manuscript A. The fourth, D, or the manuscript of Beza, was so called because it belonged to the reformer Beza, who found it in the monastery of St. Irenaeus at Lyons in 1562 A.D. It is imperfect, and is dated in the sixth century. The fifth (called Aleph) is the Sinaitic manuscript. (See Sinaiticus codex.)
   3. The Syriac Versions. (See Syriac.)
   4. The Latin Versions. A Latin version of the Scriptures, called the "Old Latin," which originated in North Africa, was in common use in the time of Tertullian (A.D. 150). Of this there appear to have been various copies or recensions made. That made in Italy, and called the Itala, was reckoned the most accurate. This translation of the Old Testament seems to have been made not from the original Hebrew but from the LXX.
   This version became greatly corrupted by repeated transcription, and to remedy the evil Jerome (A.D. 329-420) was requested by Damasus, the bishop of Rome, to undertake a complete revision of it. It met with opposition at first, but was at length, in the seventh century, recognized as the "Vulgate" version. It appeared in a printed from about A.D. 1455, the first book that ever issued from the press. The Council of Trent (1546) declared it "authentic." It subsequently underwent various revisions, but that which was executed (1592) under the sanction of Pope Clement VIII. was adopted as the basis of all subsequent editions. It is regarded as the sacred original in the Roman Catholic Church. All modern European versions have been more or less influenced by the Vulgate. This version reads ipsa_ instead of _ipse in Gen. 3:15, "She shall bruise thy head."
   5. There are several other ancient versions which are of importance for Biblical critics, but which we need not mention particularly, such as the Ethiopic, in the fourth century, from the LXX.; two Egyptian versions, about the fourth century, the Memphitic, circulated in Lower Egypt, and the Thebaic, designed for Upper Egypt, both from the Greek; the Gothic, written in the German language, but with the Greek alphabet, by Ulphilas (died A.D. 388), of which only fragments of the Old Testament remain; the Armenian, about A.D. 400; and the Slavonic, in the ninth century, for ancient Moravia. Other ancient versions, as the Arabic, the Persian, and the Anglo-Saxon, may be mentioned.
   6. The history of the English versions begins properly with Wyckliffe. Portions, however, of the Scriptures were rendered into Saxon (as the Gospel according to John, by Bede, A.D. 735), and also into English (by Orme, called the "Ormulum," a portion of the Gospels and of the Acts in the form of a metrical paraphrase, toward the close of the seventh century), long before Wyckliffe; but it is to him that the honour belongs of having first rendered the whole Bible into English (A.D. 1380). This version was made from the Vulgate, and renders Gen. 3:15 after that Version, "She shall trede thy head."
   This was followed by Tyndale's translation (1525-1531); Miles Coverdale's (1535-1553); Thomas Matthew's (1537), really, however, the work of John Rogers, the first martyr under the reign of Queen Mary. This was properly the first Authorized Version, Henry VIII. having ordered a copy of it to be got for every church. This took place in less than a year after Tyndale was martyred for the crime of translating the Scriptures. In 1539 Richard Taverner published a revised edition of Matthew's Bible. The Great Bible, so called from its great size, called also Cranmer's Bible, was published in 1539 and 1568. In the strict sense, the "Great Bible" is "the only authorized version; for the Bishops' Bible and the present Bible [the A.V.] never had the formal sanction of royal authority." Next in order was the Geneva version (1557-1560); the Bishops' Bible (1568); the Rheims and Douai versions, under Roman Catholic auspices (1582, 1609); the Authorized Version (1611); and the Revised Version of the New Testament in 1880 and of the Old Testament in 1884.

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[`vɜːʃ(ə)n]версия; вариантпереводтекст


version: translation noun 1 sth based on sth elseADJECTIVE ▪ current, latest, modern, new, recent, updated, up-to-date ▪ beta (computing), early, ini... смотреть


Version: übersetzung Fassung; Ausgabe; Ausführung; Variante; Modifikation; Anpassung; Derivat; Spielart (umgangssprachlich); Abart; Variation; Abwandlu... смотреть


version: translation version ver‧sion [ˈvɜːʆn ǁ ˈvɜːrʒn] noun [countable] a form of a computer program, product etc that is slightly di... смотреть


1. [ʹvɜ:ʃ(ə)n] n1. вариант текста (перевод или оригинал)the French version of Shakespeare - Шекспир во французском переводеthe English version of the B... смотреть


version: übersetzungvɛʀsjɔ̃f1) Übersetzung f 2)version contraire — Gegendarstellung f3) (variante) Version f, Fassung f, Darstellung f, Auffassung f fi... смотреть


1. {ʹvɜ:ʃ(ə)n} n 1. вариант текста (перевод или оригинал) the French ~ of Shakespeare - Шекспир во французском переводе the English ~ of the Bible -... смотреть


version: translationSynonyms and related words:account, adaptation, affiliation, arrangement, article, autograph, body, brainchild, branch, burlesque, ... смотреть


version 1. [ʹvɜ:ʃ(ə)n] n 1. вариант текста (перевод или оригинал) the French ~ of Shakespeare - Шекспир во французском переводе the English ~ of the ... смотреть


вариант компоновки (воздушного судна)— basic version — business version — civil version — convertible version — de-luxe version — derived version — dev... смотреть


n1) версія (програми)2) варіант (компонування ЛА)•- aircraft basic version- aircraft economy-class version- aircraft freighter version- aircraft mixed ... смотреть


сущ. 1) версия; вариант movie version of a novel — экранизация романа stage version of a novel — театральная постановка романа to corroborate smb.'s version (of an event) — подтвердить чью-л. версию событий to give one's version of a story — изложить свою версию событий Syn: variant, reading 2) перевод 3) текст (перевода или оригинала) Authorized Version — Библия короля Иакова abridged version, condensed version — сокращенный текст (перевода или оригинала) authorized version — авторизованная версия censored version, expurgated version — текст, прошедший цензуру official version — официальный текст unabridged version, uncut version — текст без сокращений uncensored version, unexpurgated version — запрещенный текст; текст, не прошедший цензуру Syn: report... смотреть


version [ˊvɜ:ʃn] n 1) ве́рсия; вариа́нт 2) перево́д 3) текст (перевода или оригинала);the Russian version of the treaty ру́сский текст догово́ра 4) ме... смотреть


f1) перевод; вольный перевод; школьный перевод с иностранного языка на родной2) версия, толкование, разночтение3) вариант; редакцияen version originale... смотреть


1. n 1) варіант (тексту); the English ~ of Shevchenko Шевченко в англійському перекладі; the Ukrainian ~ of the Bible Біблія українською мовою; foreign ~ кін. кінофільм, дубльований іноземною мовою; the original ~ оригінальний текст, оригінал; the Ukrainian ~ of the treaty український текст договору; both ~s are authentic обидва тексти аутентичні (про договір тощо); 2) варіант; переказ, переробка; screen ~ екранізація; silent ~ німий (неозвучений) варіант (фільму); stage ~ інсценізація; 3) версія; інтерпретація; розповідь; two ~s of an affair дві версії однієї події; 4) тех. видозмінена конструкція, модифікація; 5) мед. закрут; 2. v перекладати.... смотреть


f 1) перевод; вольный перевод; школьный перевод с иностранного языка на родной 2) версия, толкование, разночтение 3) вариант; редакция en version orig... смотреть


• New rendering • Part of KJV • The V in K.J.V. • A written communication in a second language having the same meaning as the written communication in... смотреть


вариант (конструкции); модификация- advanced version- current version- manual version- racing version- scaled-down version- turbo version- uprated vers... смотреть


nвариант (документа и т.п.)- according to the government version- final version- official version of smth- provisional version of a document- revised v... смотреть


version: übersetzungversion 1. Version f, Fassung f; 2. Übersetzung f


- VER, - ver версия одна из последовательности копий (редакций) программы, выпускаемая при устранении в ней ошибок и/или добавлении новых функций. В частности, файл, являющийся модификацией другого файла см. тж. alpha version, beta version, crippled version, evaluation version, initial version, light version, release, release candidate, released version, run-time version, trial version, version control... смотреть


1) версия 2) вариант 3) редакция (как вариант формулировки) 4) текст 5) издание •- authentic version- contradicting version- contradictory version


вариант; модификация; исполнение; модель- base version- diesel version- petrol versionАнгло-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык.С.Н.Корчем... смотреть


f =, -en1) лит. версия, вариант, редакция; один из переводов2) юр. версия3) см. Versio


версия; (новый) вариант || создавать (новую) версию - backup version - custom version - demo version - disk-based version - down-sized version - incorrect version - light version - marketed version - previous version - professional version - released version - second-most-recent version - single-processor version - version of the image... смотреть


n 1. варіант (тексту) 2. версія, інтерпретація - revised ~ переглянутий/ виправлений варіант - Spanish ~ of a document текст документа іспанською мовою, документ в іспанському перекладі - both ~s are authentic обидва тексти автентичні (про договір тощо) - his ~ agreed with ours його версія/ інтерпретація співпадає з нашою... смотреть


Version {vEr-} f =, -en 1. версия, вариант 2. форма (изложения); редакция


модификация; вариант; исполнение (конструкции); версия - abridged version - chucking/bar version - controller version - derived version - extended version - front-loading version - gear-head version - industrial version - long bed version - ruggedized version - scaled-down version - scaled-up version - upgraded version... смотреть


модификация; вариант; исполнение (конструкции); версия - abridged version- chucking/bar version- controller version- derived version- extended version- front-loading version- gear-head version- industrial version- long bed version- ruggedized version- scaled-down version- scaled-up version- upgraded version... смотреть


{värsj'o:n}1. версия polisen har en annan version av händelsen--полиция располагает другой версией этого события lastbilen finns i en större version--э... смотреть


f 1) акушерский поворот (плода) 2) содружественные движения обоих глаз, оси которых параллельны • version céphaliqueversion par manœuvres externesversion par manœuvres internesversion par manœuvres mixtesversion podaliqueversion spontanéeversion sur le siège... смотреть


вариант, разновидность test version — описание реакции; процедура анализа; постановка пробы


мед.сущ. акушерский поворот; патологическаий наклон матки; содружественный поворот глазных яблок; версия * * * вариант, наклон, акушерский поворот, поворот плода, поворот Англо-русский медицинский словарь.2012.... смотреть


1) перевод; текст (перевода или оригинала)2) версия; вариант; редакция


1) вариант 2) загиб (органа) * * *загиб


f1) накло́н m2) поворо́т m3) изги́б m


модификация, видоизмененная конструкция, вариант (конструкции)


1) вариант 2) версия 3) видоизменение 4) модификация 5) разновидность • - alternate version - scaled-down version - simplified version - weak version


n1) версія; варіант2) переклад3) текст (перекладу або оригіналу)


1) вариант2) версия3) видоизменение4) разновидность5) модификация– alternate version– scaled-down version


Перевод; текст (перевода или оригинала); Версия; вариант; редакция. Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии.2010.


fверсия (напр. программы)


Version — Версия, порядковый номер (по времени создания) программного обеспечения или комплектующего


версія (слідства тощо)


fвариант, модификация




1) (новый) вариант; версия 2) текст (оригинала, перевода)


n. вариант; перевод, текст; версия; поворот плода в матке


версия; вариант перевод текст (перевода или оригинала)




вариант, версия


перевод, переклад, версія, текст, варіант




ver (version)версія (новий) варіант


f 1) наклон 2) поворот 3) изгиб


f версия version authentique


Version версия






версія (слідства тощо)


исполнение; версия


(n) версия









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